In The Zone

Interesting chats with Mike and Josh

AI content creators and the future of news

In this podcast, Mike and Josh reflect on the implications of AI content creation and where AI content creators may take us next.

What makes a robot ‘female’?

Mike and Josh are joined by Dr Emily Cox-Palmer-White to discuss her research on female androids, also known as ‘gynoids’, and the different ways they are depicted in fiction and wider society.

AI and the automation of art

Can AI ever produce art? What do we mean by art anyway? Mike and Josh consider the potential impact of AI and automated technologies on the world of art production and literature.

Animals, language, killing and death

Mike and Josh are joined by Dr Emma Franklin, a linguist whose research explores the language around death, and specifically, the killing of animals.

Gender and AI

Why are so many digital voices female? Why do we ‘prefer’ female voices to male? In this episode, Mike and Josh discuss the question of gender and AI, and some of the many factors that have led us to a world dominated by ‘female’ digital assistants such as Alexa, Siri and Cortana.

The living machine

Are AI really alive? Can they ever be alive? Mike and Josh take on the big questions, and more, as they wonder what it means to be alive, what it means to be human, and what we mean by ‘human’ in the first place.

Ghostwriting, AI and the Future of Essay Mills

Mike and Josh talk about the murky world of professional ghostwriting, and consider the impact AI may have on written media in the near future. With AI now capable of producing human-like written content, it won’t be long before AI are used by essay mills to create essays for students that bypass the normal plagiarism checks. Higher education is certainly in for a shock..